Celastrus orbiculatus the original bittersweet
The most known as bittersweet
Do you know why it called so?
I think you're already know the reason
The flavor is sweet with a bitter aftertaste.
Its flavor has common with us
These all happened on the day i fall for you
Falling in love..again
For a long time i made you wait
I was glad, because you gave me time
it tasted sweet
With our story
It has common, or it's an coincidence
Do you know why i tell you so?
Bittersweet is the only word that can represent how i feel right now about you
Bittersweet is the only flavor i'm getting along so well
It happened when i choose to look at you
It happened naturally
After so long
i felt the sweet taste
For a long time i didn't realize you were there
till you told me how you feel
till you made your presence in my life
till one day i realize you were always there
On that day i couldn't love you back
not because i didn't love you
i wasn't ready to fall
i was not
you understood my position
you stayed
i thought i could get diabetes
i was addicted to taste how sweet your love
The most known as bittersweet
Do you know why it called so?
I think you're already know the reason
The flavor is sweet with a bitter aftertaste.
Its flavor has common with us
These all happened on the day i fall for you
Falling in love..again
For a long time i made you wait
I was glad, because you gave me time
it tasted sweet
With our story
It has common, or it's an coincidence
Do you know why i tell you so?
Bittersweet is the only word that can represent how i feel right now about you
Bittersweet is the only flavor i'm getting along so well
It happened when i choose to look at you
It happened naturally
After so long
i felt the sweet taste
For a long time i didn't realize you were there
till you told me how you feel
till you made your presence in my life
till one day i realize you were always there
On that day i couldn't love you back
not because i didn't love you
i wasn't ready to fall
i was not
you understood my position
you stayed
i thought i could get diabetes
i was addicted to taste how sweet your love
So then, i naturally fall for you
my lips naturally call your name
my mind everyday keep thinking about you
your name is my habitual words
just by hearing your name, i smile
just by seeing you in my screen, i smile
sweet..really sweet
i can't forget how it tastes
I can't make you wait any longer
i try to let you know how i feel
trying to give you hints
sends you lot of signals that i feel the same
it doesn't work
Then i come forward
I come to you
I confess how i feel
i taste sweet
But i was wrong
you didn't speak up
you leave me hanging here
i don't know what to do
it tasted sweet, but now it tastes bitter
it hurts
I try to get know more about you
but you push me away
i try to text you
but you ignore me
i try to call you
again..you push me away
I'm no longer a fighter
i retired
i want to fight for you, but you keep pushing me away
The more i try, the more you push me away
so i give up naturally
i follow your game
i buy it
And today my heart loses its beat
Even when i see you in the screen
Or even i see your text
My heart doesn't race as fast as before
My lips doesn't want to smile whenever i see your photo
my heart forgets that you tasted sweet before
My heart beats faster when i see another man's text
but at the same time it hurts
I smile whenever he sends me text,
but at the same time i feel some pain
I'm blushing when he sweetalks to me
but at the same time i'm crying
It's bittersweet
It tasted sweet, then bitter
the feeling i have for you turns into bittersweet
The day i told you to keep some distance between us
was the day i'm walking away
I walked away because you were pushing me away
The day we kept some distance between us
was the day he texts me intensely
The day i told you to keep some distance between us
because you told me so
And the day when you realize i'm gone
will be the day
when my heart completely forget it had beat once for you
when my lips completely not calling your name
when i'm completely let you go
"I'm sorry"
will be spoken by my mouth
i can't say any other when it happens
i can't deny the bittersweet i feel
But you should know i'm a girl, boy
you should know that i have commons with other girls
who can't stand
when they see prince charming's text
when prince charming treats her like his queen
when prince charming wraps his arms to keep his lady stay
not pushing her away
"I'm sorry"
because i don't bet all in for you
i can't
because you push me away before i try
because you make boundary between you
you ask me to stay away
I wish you could bring me back
before it's too late for us
I wish my wish wouldn't be a bother for you
Because right now,
you already know how i feel towards you
but you push me away