Hey buddy listen up Finally I have guts to spill the tea Yeah you know I used to be silence I used to stay in my place and do nothing I used to listen to anyone's opinions about me I used to be treated unfair then a friend of mine said 'you're not the only who treated that way, you potrayed the world in the wrong figure' Well then may I ask you a question buddy? How's your life now? It seems to be happy It seems like you enjoy even when the world treats you bad, because world treats me, my kinds and all people with disabilities worse.. To be clear I am not one with disability I'm just one of my kind who world seems to be their shame..their sins because I'm part of the world How could possible not? They treat me as if I have the most dangerous disease when in fact I'm only few pounds over the world beauty standard The world I know treat me as if I'm not capable at anything and keep saying everything I've done not good enough accordin...
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