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Showing posts from April, 2013

sedikit,tapi mulai dapat ku mengerti

Sedikit memang tapi perlahan kini aku mulai memahami dengan perlahan aku mulai mengerti ya..aku mulai mengerti apa maksud Tuhan membiarkan aku bisa bertahan sejauh ini masih bisa berdiri kuat dengan tegar dan simpulan senyum yang masih bisa ku tunjukkan sendiri.. ya memang akan selalu sendiri perlahan aku menikmati kesendirian perlahan aku mulai menyukai keadaan ini terbuang.. ya memang,aku tak pernah pantas berada dalam komunitas apapun suara ku tak dihiraukan kehadiran ku pun mungkin tak pernah didambakan jika ya,pasti hanya karena ingin memanfaatkan memang...semua manusia seperti itu aku memahaminya . dilupakan.. itu hal wajar.. tak perlu lagi dipertanyakan mengapa mudah aku dilupakan mengapa mudah untuk melupakan ku aku tak pernah berbuat banyak untuk kamu,dia,mereka atau bahkan untuk semua orang aku seolah bersikap acuh tak acuh padahal aku ini peduli tapi maaf kenyataan nya tak sejalan dengan keinginan ku jika aku bisa marah,aku ingin marah jika aku d...

My day

i don't know why these two days lately i keep crying my tears don't want t o stop falling even when ii stops,my eyes still want to make my tears fall i wonder when will my old life back? i wonder will i able to grow strong through all this pain? it's hard,they're too many,and i'm here alone they're good looking,famous,rich,has a good position in people eyes but me..yeah you know just a loser i wonder if i could have someone who always there to back me up, i thought those who always listen to my story will help me when those people who dumped me,mock at me .,.yeah when those hurt me but i was wrong... yeahh..this's my life,miserable huh? -sigh- i don't need to be pitied i don't need people to say ''i'm here", "be strong", "cheer up", "you'll be fine" all those words are bullshit.. where are they when those hurt me? will they come? ohhh~~ how lucky being those who has...


I have a lot beautiful things once i know they won't last forever and i'm glad to have them even just for once I'm a kind of a fragile one I'm kinda sensitive when something mess up with things i love I'm kinda possessive if it's about 'MINE' Things i had once already gone People i love and care about too They're gone left me with this pain,wounds and scars which hard to be cured Afraiddd... that's how i feel right now Tireddd.. i wish i have someone to lend me their shoulder i wish i have someone to open their ears to listen to my sorrow i wish i have someone to back up my back when i fall But it won't happen.. I'm sick of this tears I'm tired of listening those mock How could she said that i'm not deserved to get his love again? how could she said i want him form something? yeahh! i want him for something.. I want him to know that was hurt,even it hurts until my bone I feel like being numb I...