Hug me for once this time to comfort me to stop my tears.. Wipe out my tears Hears my sorrow Lend me Your hands to help me stand up Lend me Your heart to help me fight for my life Hug me for once even just once..just hug me Wrap Your hands around me, to comfort me Open up Your ears to hear when i scream Put Your eyes on me this time Could anyone ever be like You? Could any others in this world replace You? Human may hear my sorrow, but in other side they may talk bad about it Human may say they do care, but deep in their heart who knows~ Human may comfort me, but it doesn't make my heart relief Hug me for once till i stop crying Hug me for once, cheer me up! How could i ever be me here if other still be like this? How could i ever tell how do i feel or what i like if every statement i made turn into a hot news in their gossiping time? Is it only me who has no chance to speak up whatever i want? Is it only me who has to stay calm and smile whenever they m...
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