After a long long way After taking a lot of time to wait After faces all those pains learning from that wounds how to stand up and stay strong To be honest i never worry if my tears fall for a million times i never worry when i'm alone cos i used to be alone, yeah alone sits here till someone recognize my presence but it's different now we're not close enough but you listen to my sorrow to open up your ears to hear my pain your encouragement.. your smile.. your eyes.. time passed.. i feel something different about you i'm not sure what it supposed to be could it be love? How can i fall after having lots of trauma from thing called love? I don't know how to react in front of you all things seem wrong I'm automatically smile just seeing you from a far could it be love? After being hurt for a lot of time After felt the way being neglected but all i want right now just looking at you and smile stay near you and i can...
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